State of the Source Presentations Available to Watch

Did you miss State of the Source? Not to worry we have you covered! Presentations from our first ever world wide summit are available to view on our Youtube channel. You can find six videos from our State of the Source Summit on Youtube to watch whenever you like!

“The critical importance of use-neutrality in F/OSS licensing” presented by Roland Turner. Roland outlines why embedding exclusionary “ethical use” obligations in F/OSS licenses seems like a great idea, however it undermines both the freedom objectives of Free Software and the inclusiveness objectives of Open Source Software. Then he details what harm expanding the Open Source Definition to support it would do, and what cooperation between F/OSS and exclusionary communities might be possible.


“GPL Exceptions: Filling the Spaces between GPL, LGPL and permissive licenses” presented by Karen M Sandler and Bradley M Kuhn. In this talk, Kuhn and Sandler will introduce the general idea of GPL exceptions and how they work to carve out the spectrum of licensing between the GPL, LGPL, and the highly permissive licenses. Specifically, Kuhn and Sandler will cover in detail the GCC Runtime Library Exception, which they both helped draft. They will also discuss the AGPLv3 Web Template Output Additional Permission, which was published by Conservancy initially for use by the Houdini project.


“Open collaboration successes and hard lessons: Practical lessons from 10 years of Eclipse Working Groups” presented by Gaël Blondelle. Open Source is an enabler for collaboration! Easier said than done. In 2010, Airbus reached out to the Eclipse Foundation with an idea: Could they replicate our established governance in their own domain? This inspired a new concept: Eclipse Working Groups. Since then, we have created more than 15 working groups. Along the way, we have learned from each of them, identified different kinds of collaborations, and experienced outstanding successes as well as frustrating failures. 


“Lightning Talks Round One”. 5 minute lighting talks from a variety of different presenters. In Round One you’ll hear from Jomar Silva: Challenges to revamp the Open Source Communities in Brazil. Javier Perez: Time to Spell Out the Open Source Software for Mainframes. Christina Hupy, PhD: Open source: A Unique Opportunity for Career Development in Underrepresented and Underserved Populations Entering the Tech Industry. Stephen Jacobs: Open@RIT a University Open Programs Office. Alyssa Wright: Publish or Perish Your Open Source: When Academia partners with companies to sustain Open Source. A John Hopkins case study. Robert Jacobi: Create to Stop Churn * Jim Hall: Why Linux only has 16 colors. Deb Goodkin: FreeBSD – A Model for Code, Community, and Collaboration. Brian Douglas: Path to Open Source Contributions and “Lightning Talks Round Two”. In Round Two you’ll hear from Kevin Kovadia: How to measure open source score. Jose Manrique Lopez: Open Source Program Office to help on open source sustainability. Panos Kalorogiannis: Code Software, Choose the License Wisely. Shodipo Ayomide: Design from the dimension of open-source. Alexander Sander: Public Money Public Code – Global problems need global solutions! Ruth Ikegah: A Beginner-Inclusive Approach to Open Source. Emmanuel Nwolisa: Free Open Source software movement in Africa and beyond.


“Closing Session of State of the Source 2020”. Join us for closing remarks, lessons learned, and shout outs to all the amazing individuals that made this event possible.


Thank you to our Video Recordings Sponsor eng@salesforce!